Now Comes the Hard Stuff...

There were certainly difficult times leading me up to this point but the next month will be by far my biggest challenge.
My neutrophil count bottomed out yesterday. (Neutrophils are a type of white blood cell that fight against infection). This was expected but it means that I am now neutropenic. This happens 7-12 days after receiving high dose chemotherapy. I was on day 6.    I am the most susceptible to infection right now. My immune system is completely wiped out and I have no ability whatsoever to fight any virus or bacteria that comes my way. We are vigilant about sterilizing and hand washing. I must avoid all uncooked vegetables and fruits. I must avoid all salad bars and deli counters, consume only pasteurized dairy products, The list goes on but the reality is I can barely eat anything due to no appetite and the difficulty it is to swallow. My diet consists of an occasional protein shake, scrambled eggs, applesauce, broth, some canned soups and V-8 juice to help with my low sodium count.

I am on a consistent regiment of anti-nausea meds. I thought I could ease up on them but my nurse literally laughed out loud at the suggestion.

Apparently I will continue on for at least another month. I am so tired all the time. I can fall asleep anywhere at anytime. I literally fell asleep on the toilet yesterday and it was a loud sneeze by Dale that woke me up. I spend more time laying down than sitting up but at least I'm not in the hospital. Dale hooks me up to a hydration unit once a day and that process takes about 4 hours. It keeps me from becoming dehydrated. I cannot ingest enough fluid on my own yet but I need to keep trying. We have to take my temperature twice a day and document every sip of fluid or bite of food. We go to the SCCA everyday for a blood draw and a clinic assessment to monitor my slow progress. Sometimes we walk if I feel like I can make it the 1/2 mile trek up the hills holding on to Dale. Other times we can take the shuttle. We seldom drive anywhere. Our car stays tucked in our apartment parking garage. The traffic, construction and congestion in Seattle is beyond comprehension. Dale will walk several miles to Whole Foods or Safeway and lug those groceries back home before he will even consider driving.

My hair was falling out so I bit the bullet and got my head shaved this week. It's a relief to be done with it. I knew it was coming.

The funny thing is...Dale and I have the same doo! Pretty crazy.

Thankfully it will grow back but for now I will embrace it and the ease of care.

I will post a pic soon.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I have nothing to complain about. Keep fighting Pam. Dale you're awesome. Miss you both.

  3. Love you my buddy! You're such a strong and positive person. When hours are to hard to deal with take life by seconds. It's okay to sleep your body needs it!
    Allen has the same hair doo!

  4. In my thoughts, prayers, heart.....etc! Wish I could do more!! Hugs to you both!


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