
Showing posts from August 13, 2017

One Full Week at UWMC

It's been 7 days at the University of Washington Medical Center and I'm going a bit stir crazy. Day 1 the Hickman Line was placed. Day 2 I became nauseous and threw up a bit and had a slight heart episode so Day 3 I was switched to the ICU floor and a pacemaker was placed. I've had 2 days of complete bed rest requiring a hideous bed pan which never works well though I became quite adept towards the end. The nurses remarked they had never seen anyone do so well with one,  I'm not thinking that is something to be proud of but I suppose I'll take what I can get, given the circumstances. Dale spends all day every day with me. He comes in the morning and brings his lunch. Sometimes he walks the 3+miles to the hospital and takes the shuttle home for dinner and drives back then leaves between 9:00 and 10:00. Repeat...Repeat...Repeat... almost like Ground Hog Day....(The movie) Every day at 9:00 a.m. and at 9:00 p.m.  I get two spikes jabbed into my stomach. Some would cal

The Installation of My Precious

Yesterday I was wheeled down the frigid hallways of the University of Washington hospital on a cold metal gurney to have a permanent pacemaker installed in my poor innocent chest. Just because I had a little heart rhythm problem the night before due to a slight vomiting episode. I am not pleased with this outcome but it is probably for the best....Hospital personnel seem to overreact to everything. This is what my precious looks like. It was installed right above my heart.. Oh I have a pacemaker. Big deal!  I hope my heart can now function like a champ so I can get the transplant back on schedule! One strange thing that happened during my surgery.....I had pants on because they told me I could wear pants...I awoke from surgery without them.....very strange...I'm still trying to figure out why that was necessary. When I returned to my room and used the bathroom...I was peeing acid.  Yikes!!! I'm feeling better now but the question still remains......Why? Dale
Blog 3     August 13th    Sunday/Rough Night Dale and I had a wonderful two days off exploring the Olympic Peninsula. We went on some short day hikes, explored Rialto beach at low tide and were rewarded with starfish galore and sea anemones. We even saw a pod of whales very close to the shore. Very exciting!  We stayed in Forks for one night at a very old motel and ate at the greasiest spoon ever. Oh the memories! We did eat at Frugals in Port Angeles along the way and THEY make a great burger! I had my Hickman catheter placed yesterday morning at the University of Washington hospital.. Last night I threw up twice. Both times my heart monitor flat-lined briefly and had the entire medical staff in my room to monitor me. "What happened?"  "What were you doing?"   they all kept asking I got up to use restroom was all that I did! That event set off a series of unprecedented events.   I had several more leads attached to my chest with an additional monitor. I was