
Showing posts from October 29, 2017

Being Home is the Best!

There's nothing like being away from home for over 3 months living in a studio apartment in the heart of Seattle to help us appreciate how wonderful it is to be home! It has been so good to sleep in our own bed and cook in our own kitchen and move about from room to room and go upstairs and downstairs and have 2 bathrooms! We're living the dream here you know!  I don't believe we realized that concept before. We don't have to go back to Seattle for one year. We'll go back to visit Eric's family but NOT for medical reasons. At this point I just have to visit the oncologist and get blood drawn once a week for 5 weeks and then every other week for another month or so and then periodically after that. I need to try to avoid crowds and sick people of course. I think most people would like to do the same though. I also have restrictions on plants (can't touch them) and can't work in the yard for one year. No leaf raking or weed pulling or anything of t