
Showing posts from October 8, 2017

All I Needed Was a Replacement Clave on My Cathedar

I am day 19 post transplant and each day is ever so slightly better than the last. My blistered esophagus (from the chemo) is finally recovering and I am able to eat without disasters above or below. My taste buds are skewed so most things just don't taste good. I can't bear anything sweet and everything else is suspect of being repugnant to me. I am eating but it's become a chore. Drinking is even worse. I NEED to drink at least 2 liters a day for them to let me go and it is the hardest thing ever! It makes no sense but I am continually thirsty and dry mouthed yet I despise drinking. It's quite a conundrum to be in. Poor Dale is continually trying to get me to eat and drink and tries a variety of strategies to make it happen. I am now recording my liquid intake to make me more accountable and it's working...sort of. Now for the reason for my blog title... Last Saturday I noticed one of the claves on the end of my Hickman Cathedar was missing. It's just a li