
Showing posts from October 15, 2017

We are Finally Coming Home on Friday!

At long last we have a date to come home. Friday, October 20th. I have labs in the morning and a clinic in the early afternoon. We will be packed and ready to go after that. Tomorrow I will have my hydration tested and I'm confident I will pass the test and we can start packing on Thursday. We are so ready to get back to our lives in Kennewick. These last few days are dragging but we are on the countdown! I expected to feel better EVERY day after transplant but I have good and not so good days. The best part is that it's over and I am healing. Thank you to EVERYONE for all your love and support while Dale and I have endured this difficult process. I probably shouldn't do this because I may forget someone but...I feel I must try.  I had taken pictures of each care package that I received but all was lost when I lost my phone. Thank you to Christine for taking such good care of our dog, Cid for 4 months!!! Thank you to Paula, Laura and Brenda for taking care of the