We are Finally Coming Home on Friday!

At long last we have a date to come home. Friday, October 20th. I have labs in the morning and a clinic in the early afternoon. We will be packed and ready to go after that. Tomorrow I will have my hydration tested and I'm confident I will pass the test and we can start packing on Thursday. We are so ready to get back to our lives in Kennewick. These last few days are dragging but we are on the countdown!

I expected to feel better EVERY day after transplant but I have good and not so good days. The best part is that it's over and I am healing.

Thank you to EVERYONE for all your love and support while Dale and I have endured this difficult process.

I probably shouldn't do this because I may forget someone but...I feel I must try.  I had taken pictures of each care package that I received but all was lost when I lost my phone.

Thank you to Christine for taking such good care of our dog, Cid for 4 months!!!

Thank you to Paula, Laura and Brenda for taking care of the house and getting the mail and watering the plants and for going above and beyond.

Thanks to Ki for mowing our lawn.

CANYON VIEW ELEMENTARY SCHOOL STAFF AND STUDENTS: Thank you for the gift card (Sunshine Committee) and all the cards and letters and bucket fillers that made my day and boosted my spirits while enduring the transplant process.

Thank you Eric for all the tasty Amazon food, the Princess Di and Opra magazines, the cards and MOST of all for spending so much time with us. We loved being with you and Rebecca and adorable Parker! It truly made our time here tolerable.

Thank you to Heather for the Wonder Woman t-shirt and earings! I love the pin too!

Thank you to Betty for the relaxation transplant CD the Chocolate Chip Cake and for continued support.

Thank you to Ginny for the lovely handmade scarves for my bald head.

Thank you to Theresa for the fabulous care package before I left.
Thank you to LeeAnne for the thoughtful gift that I have truly enjoyed.
Thank you to Megan for the delightful book and the large beautiful blanket which I have used regularly.
Thank you to Ann for sending me a sweet care package including a velvet throw which I have also used daily while in Seattle.
Thank you Camille for the book.
Thank you Sherry for the tea.
Thank you to Sandy for the Two Sisters goat milk liquid soap, bar soap and lotion which has been fabulous.
Tammy for the hilarious TEAMROCKET therapy doll.
Tim and Brenda for the pizza!

If you read my Blog or responded to my Blog, called, sent a text, sent a card or letter, messaged me or prayed for me, THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart for your emotional support!

I loved reading your supportive sometimes feisty messages of comfort. Some made me laugh some made me cry (in a good way) others just made me smile and warmed my heart.

There are so many family members, friends and coworkers that mean the world to me that I wish I could hug at this moment. I can't actually hug or shake hands with anyone for a year so....until then...


  1. Yeah! There's no place like home especially when you don't feel good! You've endured well my friend!

  2. I'm soooo glad you are coming home!!! Yay for healing!!!


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