
Showing posts from August 20, 2017

Stem Cell Collection and Liver Issues

I finally had my stem cell extraction process last Sunday. I was hooked up to the apheresis machine for 5 hours. I didn't have the bountiful harvest I had 9 years ago but I had a sufficient amount for a transplant. Unfortunately my liver started acting up. The normal ALT and AST numbers for the liver range from 7-56 units/liter and 10-40 units/liters for AST. I started at 25 which is great. Then it raised up over 100, then 300, then 500 and the next day my counts were over 1000. YIKES! I had two liver ultra sounds one yesterday and one today. The ultra sound tech told me my liver was perfect and beautiful! It is functioning fine but until these mysterious high counts go down I am stuck here at the hospital. They have not idea what's causing this. It could possibly the shots I received to stimulate stem cell growth...but they have never seen this particular side effect before. I am an enigma as usual. I may need a liver biopsy tomorrow but I pray not. They want to go through