The Installation of My Precious

Yesterday I was wheeled down the frigid hallways of the University of Washington hospital on a cold metal gurney to have a permanent pacemaker installed in my poor innocent chest. Just because I had a little heart rhythm problem the night before due to a slight vomiting episode. I am not pleased with this outcome but it is probably for the best....Hospital personnel seem to overreact to everything.
Image result for biotronik eluna 8 dr-t pacemaker imageThis is what my precious looks like. It was installed right above my heart.. Oh I have a pacemaker. Big deal!  I hope my heart can now function like a champ so I can get the transplant back on schedule!

One strange thing that happened during my surgery.....I had pants on because they told me I could wear pants...I awoke from surgery without them.....very strange...I'm still trying to figure out why that was necessary. When I returned to my room and used the bathroom...I was peeing acid.  Yikes!!!

I'm feeling better now but the question still remains......Why?

Dale left the room for a few minutes to use the (commoners) bathroom. He gave it a name because he isn't allowed to use the one in my hospital room.

When he returned he jumped abruptly into my room and scared me half to death. He said he wanted to test out my pacemaker.

It's working just fine thank you!

Below is my nifty Hickman Catheter located below the right shoulder.


  1. Loves to you and your family. We will miss your beautiful smile this year at CV.. We will see it soon I'm sure. Love Jonea and Jamie Cope

  2. Prayers and love sent your way Pam! Love, Jamie Perry

  3. Love your amazing dry wit! You are fabulous darrrrrling! ❤️

  4. Love you! You're attitude and personality I love too!

  5. Of course you're calling it "my precious"!! 😂 Hope you're using that silly voice when you refer to it as well, and that it does it's job!! -- Megan


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