Blog 3     August 13th    Sunday/Rough Night

Dale and I had a wonderful two days off exploring the Olympic Peninsula. We went on some short day hikes, explored Rialto beach at low tide and were rewarded with starfish galore and sea anemones. We even saw a pod of whales very close to the shore. Very exciting! 

We stayed in Forks for one night at a very old motel and ate at the greasiest spoon ever. Oh the memories! We did eat at Frugals in Port Angeles along the way and THEY make a great burger!

I had my Hickman catheter placed yesterday morning at the University of Washington hospital..

Last night I threw up twice. Both times my heart monitor flat-lined briefly and had the entire medical staff in my room to monitor me. "What happened?"  "What were you doing?"   they all kept asking I got up to use restroom was all that I did! That event set off a series of unprecedented events.   I had several more leads attached to my chest with an additional monitor. I was moved to the cardiology floor and given STRICT bed rest.

I am on the 8th floor in a different tower than yesterday. I liked the 6th floor so much better. I could walk around and they even had a competition going with walking the halls. I had walked my first mile yesterday and got my first pair of tennis shoes stuck on my door. I just love incentives...just like my kinders!

Unfortunately I am now on BED REST using bed pans and I am getting a pacemaker installed in my chest tomorrow. :o(

What a difference a day can make!

On the bright side Eric has been supplying us with the most delicious fresh meals from Amazon Go.
Dinners that come complete in a box and others ready to go as is such as Fish, chicken, salads, fruit, veges, sandwiches, soups, desserts, misc. grocery items and then some!

It has been such a blessing to see him often along with dear Rebecca and our spunky two-year (almost 3) year old Parker. They all came up for a visit tonight and we had a delightful time together.
Parker loved pushing the buttons on my bed and making me go up and down. Dale put some surgical gloves on him and blew him up a glove to play with.

Tomorrow is the pacemaker installation in my poor chest.. YIKES!!!


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